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Sarah's Old Fashioned American Sugar Cookies


1 cup (225g) granulated sugar, plus a little

extra for topping

½ tsp salt

¾ cup (170g) soft butter or margarine

2 eggs, one whole, one separated

1 tsp grated lemon rind

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 cups (280g) sifted plain flour

1 tsp baking powder



1. Heat oven to 180C, 160C(fan), Gas 4. Grease a baking sheet.


2. Cream sugar, salt and butter/margarine thoroughly and set aside.

Add the whole egg, lemon rind, and vanilla extract and beat until light and fluffy.

Sift the flour* and baking powder together and gradually stir in to the creamed ingredients.

3. Roll dough to ⅛” thick on a floured board. Cut in to fancy shapes with a cookie cutter, and place on the baking tray. Lightly beat the separated egg white, brush on to the cookies and sprinkle with a little sugar. Cook for 11-12 minutes until light brown around the edges.



*Add 2 tbsp cocoa to the flour for chocolate cookies.

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